Anglický lékařský text z Bulovky

The 67-year patient sent from The Bulovka Hospital due to lack of the hospitál beds where he was admitted due to the 3o sec. lasting disorder of his speech with the character of the speech disorer. During the examination in our department the present results are completely normal. In the cerebral CT examination – the hypodense area parietally touching on the left side the gray and white cerebral matter with the character of the acute ischemic changes, the other finding is normal.

The laboratory examinations are normal. The patient was admitted in the standard hospitál room. The anti-aggregation herapy is changed  – Trombex instead of ANP. The control laboratory examinations are normal, the lipidogram shows the increased total cholesterol and TAG, the patient will take the statine drug. According to the performed cerebral USG examination – magistral. minimal wall calcification in the left bifurcation, otherwise the normal finding, the cardiac rhythm is regular, the glyc. profile is normal. 

Překlady lékařských zpráv, provádí tým lékařů MUDr. Schwarze. Realizujeme překlad v krátkém expresním, i běžném termínu. Nejčastější překládané obory: onkologie, kardiologie, ortopedie, gastroenterologie, neurologie, imunologie.

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