Překlad smlouvy o převodu družstevního podílu


(překlad smlouvy z českého jazyka s dodáním do pátku s ověřovací doložkou a razítkem)


  1. The Transferor undertakes not to indebt, burden, rent, sell, donate, transfer, deposit, or otherwise seek to transfer (in whole or in part) the Cooperative Share and CA in any way, and not to sign, cancel, or change any document, agreement or arrangement regarding a cooperative share or CA without the prior written consent of the Acquirer.


  1. The Transferor shall ensure that the condition of the CA does not deteriorate between the date of entering into this Agreement and the takeover of the CA by the Acquirer and shall be liable for any damages to the CA or caused by third parties.


  1. The Parties agree that if any Transferor’s representations or assurances contained in this Agreement prove to be or become false, inaccurate, incomplete, the Acquirer shall be entitled to claim at its discretion either a discount on the contract price and/ or bringing the facts into line with assurances and assertions in the Agreement and/ or the Acquirer shall be entitled to withdraw from the agreement Unilaterally.


  1. The Transferor and the Acquirer agree that all costs associated with the transfer of the cooperative share of HA under this Contract shall be paid equally by the Transferor and the Acquirer.


  1. The Transferor undertakes to change the permanent residence no later than 30 (thirty) days after the transfer of the cooperative share under this Agreement so that the CA address is not registered as the permanent residence or registered office of the Transferor or third parties.


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